ghost town

It’s been a bit of a ghost town here, hasn’t it? With everything going on, I’ve found myself stepping away from social media more and more. I’ve never been very good at keeping up with it anyway. But I’ve also been neglecting this space. My writing is on pause, and I can’t remember the last time I’ve drawn something that wasn’t just a quick sketch. That isn’t to say I haven’t been making things. I’ve… Read more ghost town

Sanding by

Hey, kids, wanna read about something fun? Well, too bad! This post is about sanding! One thing you’ll notice if you hang around long enough is I’m a bit of a hobby hopper. One month it’s macramé, the next it’s embroidery. And don’t get me wrong, I absolutely intend to return to these eventually. But the current thing I’m stuck on is making little air dry clay trinkets. I’ve experimented with some templates, made some… Read more Sanding by