What do I do when I realize I’m having a hard time keeping up with blog posts? Do I accept that I’m just not good at blogging and try something else, or do I force myself to keep up with it? I’m doing this mainly for me, so I shouldn’t be afraid to be bad at it, right? I have a similar struggle when it comes to drawing, and especially when it comes to comic… Read more On changing format
Category: Blog
Entering the thumbnail stage
Well, after two weeks of dragging my feet, the Blythe vs. the Werewolf thumbnail sketches are underway. I’d measured out boxes in my sketchbook sometime last week, but it’s taken me until now to sit down and actually start them. I guess the fact that I’m one step closer to drawing actual pages gives me the jitters. A lot of that also comes from the fact that I’m revising as I go, and let me… Read more Entering the thumbnail stage
Best Laid Plans
I’ve missed two deadlines. First off, this blog post is going up four days later than I’d wanted. Second, April 30th was the deadline for the first draft of Blythe vs. the Werewolf. I completed it on May 3rd. But I got it done. Working on the draft throughout April was an on and off struggle. There was a span of over two weeks where I didn’t work on it at all. And then I stopped… Read more Best Laid Plans
Slumps happen
Writing slumps happen. I just wish I wasn’t currently in the middle of one. I didn’t have the strongest start on my draft at the beginning of the month, but after a few days, things were moving at a steady clip. I was completing scenes and figuring out how to solve all the little issues that cropped up in the outlining phase. In the process of drafting, newer stronger ideas popped up that I could… Read more Slumps happen
Staying on Track
Something I struggle with is maintaining a consistent workflow on my personal projects. If there’s a real-world consequence for me missing a deadline, that’s a great motivator for me! Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to convince my brain to apply that to my comics and writing. At least not when I’m still in the more nebulous planning and drafting stages. Sure, I’ve given myself the vague goal of “Finish something to the point that it’s… Read more Staying on Track
Spooky Story Skeletons
It’s April, which means it’s a Camp NaNoWriMo month! While I’m not officially participating in Camp NaNo this month, I’m still using April to draft the Blythe vs. the Werewolf script. Before diving into the draft, I wanted to get some prep work done. The hope is that if I’m well prepared, I won’t spend the entire comic-making process floundering. Since it’s a visual medium, I want to get the design elements—like character and setting… Read more Spooky Story Skeletons
Project Spotlight: Blythe vs. the Werewolf
Last post, I shared some sketches for Blythe vs. the Werewolf, the short standalone comic I’ll be working on between now and October. I’ll definitely have more sketches of werewolf and character designs in upcoming posts. This week, though, I want to go a bit more into the project itself. The titular character, Blythe Bonfils, is a wizard who takes on odd jobs of the magical variety. The comic takes place ten to fifteen years… Read more Project Spotlight: Blythe vs. the Werewolf
Werewolves on the brain
Psst! Hey, you! Ya like werewolves? I sure hope so! I’ve been thinking a lot about werewolves lately, and there’s a reason for that! Last post, I mentioned that I’m taking a break from work on Strange Company to focus on a short comic. It’s called Blythe vs. the Werewolf, and it features—you guessed it—at least one werewolf. The titular character of BvtW plays a big role in Strange Company. It takes place over a… Read more Werewolves on the brain
Setting the Scene: Designing an underground city
I’ve been waching lot of DIY videos on miniatures and models lately. That, of course, has me thinking, “Hey, what if I make a model of the underground city I need to design?” Unfortunately I don’t currently have the space nor the materials to make that happen. Maybe someday? What I can do (and what I need to do anyway) is sketch it out. The city in question is part of the fictional archaeological site… Read more Setting the Scene: Designing an underground city
Character Concepts: Sam
Last post I talked a bit about Raye. While she’s the foremost main character out of the five whose POVs get the most attention, the most central character to the plot is Sam. Although he has very few POV scenes outside of flashbacks, he’s the reason why everyone is where they are at the outset of Strange Company. Sam Donovan hasn’t gone by his Saintly name in a long…long time. Not since the gods stripped… Read more Character Concepts: Sam